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Our Company is engaged in the general construction, refurbishment and maintenance of industrial, commercial and residential buildings. Besides general construction we also undertake master building and industry-professional works. We provide constructing services for our partners in constant, high quality, hiring the best professionals.

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Besides general construction we also undertake master building and industry-professional works. We provide constructing services for our partners in constant, high quality, hiring the best professionals. Our activities include interior decoration services, building renovation, building maintenance, industry-specific works, door and window retailing, excavation, building-thermography, machine and device rental.

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Real estates for sale

Self-financed real estate development is also one of our Company's main profile. We look for the most optimal estates according to market demands. After the purchase, we initiate the planning, and afterwards the construction of the block of flats or family houses which fit to the particular environment and are energy economical (A+ energy category). The construction of the building appliances is conducted according to the all-time solvent customers' needs.

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